Do you have a Fibroid, and also going through IVF?

“ I’m going through IVF and I’ve just been diagnosed with a fibroid, Do I need to have it removed?”

This is a question I get very frequently, so let's look at it. Here are my top three tips to figure out whether you need to remove that fibroid.

  • So number one, is it causing symptoms? Is your fibroid causing heavy bleeding? Are you in pain? Have you had recurrent miscarriages just because of this fibroid? What symptoms are they causing? This is the first thing to figure out.

  • Number two, how big is it? Is it 1 CM? Is it 4? Is it 15? This is going to dictate a lot of your symptoms and the potential for growth as you progress through pregnancy. So this is the second thing to figure out.

  • And thirdly and most importantly, where is the fibroid? Is it inside the cavity? Is it in the wall or is it completely outside?

Regardless of the size, if the fibroid is actually inside the cavity, you will need to remove it prior to IVF. If it's in the wall, it's questionable depending on the symptoms and also the size of it. Is it two or is it twelve? And if it's outside the cavity, you could potentially get away without removing it, again, depending on the symptoms and the size. So you have to look at all three of these things together.

  1. Is it symptomatic?

  2. How big is it?

  3. Where is it?

So, with all of these three factors together, your doctor and you should make a decision about whether this fibroid needs to come out prior to proceeding with IVF.

If you are a woman who is going through IVF, you have fibroids and you are trying to grapple with these questions and get all your options figured out, come and see me in the office. I am in Lafayette, California, and my website is and my number is 925-744-7473.

For more educational videos like this, visit TheFibroidDoc’s YouTube channel.


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