Top Five uses of a Progesterone IUD.

Sometimes IUDs kind of get a bad rep. But you know what? They can be really, really helpful when it comes to abnormal bleeding.

A lot of the reasons why women bleed very heavily and sometimes irregularly is because the lining of the uterus gets thick. The progesterone IUD works by thinning that lining to the point where there's almost nothing left to shed, which is why a lot of times women will say, “oh, after a few months, I stopped getting my period.” This is  because there's no lining to shed. 

And this is an amazing thing for many women who are busy, who have had heavy bleeding, who have had to take time off of work, women who are athletes or traveling all over. They don't want to or have time to deal with their periods. 

And so this can be really helpful.

So let's go over the Top Five uses of the progesterone IUD

  1. The progesterone IUD can help with heavy and abnormal bleeding. So we just went over the mechanism. It thins the lining of the uterus to the point where sometimes you don't really have much to shed. So you get a very, very light period or maybe some spotting or sometimes you don't even get a period, which a lot of women are fine with. 

  2. The progesterone IUD can actually help with small fibroids and bleeding. So if you have fibroids inside the lining called submucosal fibroids or fibroids in the endometrial cavity, these can cause bleeding. They can be sometimes very heavy. When you put in an IUD, that can greatly help with this particular symptom.

  3. Progesterone IUDs can help as contraception The IUD is one of the most effective forms of birth control. So if you're kind of tired of taking the pills and the patches and the rings and are not very good at remembering to do this, the progesterone IUD Is easy! You just put it in, and it lasts anywhere from five to eight years, which is pretty amazing.

  4. The  progesterone IUD can help with very, very early forms of endometrial cancer. So if you have precancerous lesions where it's almost becoming uterine cancer but not quite there yet, the progesterone IUD works very well. This is one of the first line treatments, actually, for this type of abnormality.

  5. The progesterone IUD is really a game changer and  a lifesaver for women who cannot take estrogen. So women who smoke, who are extremely overweight,  women who have conditions such as lupus or other neurological issues, clotting disorders, where they cannot take estrogen… the progesterone IUD works really well. So if you can't take a combined pill, or you have a preexisting condition where you cannot take estrogen, the progesterone IUD is great.

So these are the top five ways to use a progesterone IUD

Now, I'm just saying progesterone without naming any brands. There are a couple of different brands out there, so I'm not going to mention particular brand names, but there's only a few.

So if this is appealing to you, make sure you talk to your gynecologist.

If you don't have a gynecologist and you live somewhere in California,  you can do a video visit with me,

and I'll be happy to look at your history and see if you’re a right fit for the progesterone IUD.

You can reach my office at 925-744-7473. 

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